
Question & Ans.

How do I know when my refund is successfully done?

You will be notified through your supplied email or phone number you used in contacting us

Will I get my full refund?
How long does a refund take?
Will I be scammed here?
Is my private information secured?
Do I need to pay upfront to start my refund process?

No, not at all, you will only need to guide us on what happened

Are you guys always available?
Will I be charged for a refund process?
Answer FAQ

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How long does an average case take to complete?

While our knowledgeable team strives to resolve your case and retrieve a considerable portion, if not all, of your lost funds in a timely manner, each case has its own set of circumstances. Typically, the process takes anywhere from 3 months to a year to complete.

Will your actions lead to the taking of scammers to court?
Does it matter where I am based?